Winning, once again, the bet on quality | Antonine University

  • Winning, once again, the bet on quality

    19 August 2020
    Winning, once again, the bet on quality

    UA submitted its follow-up report to the Swiss Agency of Accreditation and Quality Assurance (AAQ) on April 30, 2020.
    Following the report analysis, AAQ shared with UA a highly positive assessment approving that the documentation submitted ensures the relevance of the quality system that was updated following the evaluation of experts in 2017, and adapted to the profile of UA and its new strategy.
    AAQ notably underlined the differentiated and contextualized implementation of the recommendations of experts through the AQUA initiative (Quality Assurance at the Antonine University) led by the Office of Strategic Initiatives and Quality Assurance (ISAQ).
    AAQ also observed an improvement related to the student experience, particularly through the establishment of the innovative structure that is the Vice Rectorate for Integral Human Development.
    On the academic level, AAQ has recognized the importance of the reform of the academic system and the implementation of a new Study Regulation that embodies the commitment to a student-centered education.
    What a great recognition of the efforts we have made since obtaining the institutional certification in 2017!