Center of Continuing Education | Antonine University

Center of Continuing Education

Center of Continuing Education

The pursuit of knowledge through education is not an easy path to walk. Some people limit learning to formal education as in schools and universities, but learning is a continuous cycle.

Through learning, one can gain new skills, capabilities, new vision of the world, attitudinal change, and better judgment that helps in problem solving.

In addition, lifelong learning helps achieve personal fulfillment and happiness, through following personal interests and passions or chasing professional ambitions. Learning encourages us to enhance our quality of life and self-worth by paying attention to the ideas and topics that inspire us!

The Antonine University (UA) recognizes those people have a natural desire to discover, learn, and develop. That is why it established the Center of Continuing Education (CCE) to provide its community with an option to pursue ambitions and education in a safe and encouraging environment.

The training sessions reflect the educational needs practically and are aligned with the strategic vision of the partnership between academia, job markets, and communities.

In addition, this CCE provides scholars with professional version of university majors before pursuing their university studies. This is an essential move in every scholars’ educational career, helping them to choose accurately the program that suits them the best.