Women Can: The Story of Ward El Khal - Université Antonine (UA)

  • Women Can: The Story of Ward El Khal

    08 mars 2021
    Women Can: The Story of Ward El Khal
    The Office of Student Affairs at Antonine University (UA) is organizing an online session entitled Women Can: The Story of Ward El Khal on the occasion of the International Women’s Day.

    During this session, the actress Ward El Khal will discuss her life story since her childhood passion for acting and her determination through her university path until her grown-up years, working hard to build a successful career in Lebanon and the Arab World.

    The purpose of this testimonial is to inspire the UA community members to set and achieve their goals, be aware of the importance of self-determination and hard work, promote gender equality, and women’s empowerment.

    Audience: UA community
    Date: Monday, March 8, 2021
    Time: 2:30 PM
    Location: Virtual via Microsoft Teams

    Register now for the session or contact osa@ua.edu.lb for more information.
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