I will not forget you | أنا لن أنساك - Université Antonine (UA)

  • I will not forget you | أنا لن أنساك

    14 avril 2021
    I will not forget you | أنا لن أنساك
    Zion said, “The Lord has forsaken me, the Lord has forgotten me.” And God said “Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.” (Isaiah 49:14-15).

    In Lebanon, we are living and going through different difficulties on many scales. We are all aware that everything around us is falling apart and, as if, there is no pillar to support ourselves on to keep on persevering, fighting, and rise again.

    It seems to us that we are left to our fate, especially by our government and the international community. Faced with a blurry future, we can’t do anything but look up to the sky and pray, seeking for help. Do we keep on believing what God has said through Isaiah: “I will not forget you?” Or do we give in to the feeling of doubt: “Has God forgotten us and left us to our destiny?”

    Reconnect with your spirituality by joining Fr. Robert Maamari, via MS Teams, on Wednesday, April 14, 2021 at 2:30 PM and get the right answers about this topic.

    Audience: UA community

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