Annual Graduation Ceremony - Université Antonine (UA)

  • Annual Graduation Ceremony

    29 juillet 2021
    Annual Graduation Ceremony

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    End of One Cycle and Beginning of Another!


    Years go by, generations follow one another, and here we are with the graduation ceremony which not only remained constant throughout history, but also transformed itself into an immutable ritual deeply anchored in the memory of its participants. This solemn event, above and beyond its festive character, marks the culmination of young graduates’ academic path, and unveils promising prospects as they scrutinize the infinite horizon and the untapped possibilities it offers.


    A Tribute to this Generation of Young Talents

    We would like to pay tribute to the graduating Class of 2021, builders of a bright future and pillars of our community, and to honor Faculty members for their relentless and tremendous efforts to support their students’ success.
    While we had thought that our dreams were shattered and our hopes were dashed given the current situation and its ensuing gloom, our young graduates were able to rekindle the flame of gratitude to guide us in these difficult times.
    We salute their perseverance in the face of uncertainties which weighed heavily on the achievement of their objectives, and place our full trust in them.
    It is in this spirit that the Antonine University (UA) made a strategic decision to hold an in-person Commencement ceremony, on July 29, at Hadat-Baabda main campus. We firmly believe that these dynamic and emotionally charged evenings are unique and leave unforgettable memories for the rest of their lives.


    Ritual and Ceremonial Practices

    This transitional phase which closes a chapter and opens a new one, is characterized by a set of practices rooted in the hearts of our communities and which have been preserved until nowadays. The most popular one is that of wearing the emblematic uniform consisting of gowns and caps. These latter are adorned with a tassel which is moved from the right to the left as a symbolic act of earning their diplomas. Moreover, and in a more relaxed atmosphere, the graduates who joyously throw their caps in the air and proudly wave their diplomas in front of their families, classmates and instructors, are photographed to immortalize this moment of overflowing joy, testifying to the end of a cycle of studies.

    Our Expectations for the Future

    At a time when the unpredictable reigns supreme, we are unable to determine the circumstances in which future ceremonies will be held. However, we are confident that the one that is currently being prepared is taking place in an atmosphere of friendship and fraternity, thus leaving indelible impressions forever imprinted in the minds of our graduates and which will be revived 10 years later, when the time comes to open their time capsules.

    We are proud of their achievements and delighted to count them among our Alumni!

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