The Hiking Club is Back on Track! - Université Antonine (UA)

  • The Hiking Club is Back on Track!

    01 mai 2021
    The Hiking Club is Back on Track!

    If you are a nature lover and discoverer, this message is for YOU.
    Be ready to put your hiking boots on and hit the trails… alone, but not lonely.


    Here is the trick: on April 24, 2021, you will be playing the touristic guide role, allowing online attendees to explore Lebanon’s treasures while sitting comfortably at their place. Each hiker will be given a 3-minute live streaming to walk around a region and make attendees discover Lebanon’s must-sees.


    This unique and interactive event will be filmed and commented by the hikers themselves.


    Hiking Date: Saturday, April 24, 2021
    Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
    Audience: UA community members


    If you are interested to take part in this out-of-the-box hike, register by calling +961 5 927 000 ext. 1130 or sending an email to by March 30, 2021.


    This e-hike will be live streamed on UA Official Facebook Page.

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