The scientific research is one of the three pillars of the Antonine University (UA) mission, which emphasizes the development of interdisciplinary and contextualized research.
The notion of contextualized research at UA encompasses the following principles:
- local and regional socio-cultural anchoring of the research themes;
- public commitment to research, considering societal needs and communicating research results to society;
- attention to the societal impact of research.
The importance of this Institution is to provide professional learning and produce scientific and technological knowledge. Through this scientific knowledge, UA faculty members can work on the continuous development of their academic skills.
We aim to implement the results of scientific research into the process of university teaching and learning (transferability of knowledge produced to teaching) and into the service of the community and society (transferability of knowledge produced to society).
The VRR is responsible for the following:
- the observation, regulation, and valorization of all scientific research activities at UA;
- the organization of events and publication management, based on international scientific standards and visible both nationally and internationally;
- the elaboration of the University strategy in terms of scientific research, in a concerted manner with the research instances of UA faculties, which integrates the specific strategies of these units and receives the endorsement of UA’s senior decision makers;
- the development of financial resources for scientific research at UA, including internal and external project funding and the awarding of grants to researchers and doctoral students;
- the development of print and electronic information resources provided to UA researchers and students by the UA Library, in accordance with the scientific strategies adopted;
- the development of bridges between the UA research sector and enterprises, including the establishment of university-enterprise agreements for the supervision of PhDs and support for the setting up of incubators for innovative, research-related enterprises with UA researchers;
- the implementation of research ethics policies, in collaboration with UA’s Ethics Committee and deans.
Related Units
Vice Rectorate for Research
The Vice Rectorate for Research is composed of the VRR and the Scientific Research Council (SRC).
Scientific Research Council
UA’s SRC is composed of the Rector, VRR, directors of the research units, and research officers in the faculties without research units. The SRC also welcomes, as observers (non-voting), the Director and Coordinator of the UA Press and the Director of the Library, as well as the Research Coordinator.
UA’s Research Units
- the Telecommunications, Information, and Computer Key Enabling Technologies Laboratory (TICKET Lab), associated with the Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FET);
- the Center for Research on Musical Traditions (CRTM), associated with the Faculty of Music and Musicology (FMM);
- the Laboratoire des 3S: Sport, Santé, Société (L3S), associated with the Faculty of Sport Sciences (FSS).
RApid-SMart Idea (RASMI) is a program designed to revitalize and promote scientific research at UA, offering research funding centered around quick, innovative ideas that are visible to the community.